Grok’s new “unhinged” voice mode can curse and scream, simulate phone sex

On Sunday, xAI released a new voice interaction mode for its Grok 3 AI model that is currently available to its premium subscribers. The feature is somewhat similar to OpenAI’s Advanced Voice Mode for ChatGPT. But unlike ChatGPT, Grok offers several uncensored personalities users can choose from (currently expressed through the same default female voice), including an “unhinged” mode and one that will roleplay verbal sexual scenarios.

On Monday, AI researcher Riley Goodside brought wider attention to the over-the-top “unhinged” mode in particular when he tweeted a video (warning: NSFW audio) that showed him repeatedly interrupting the vocal chatbot, which began to simulate yelling when asked. “Grok 3 Voice Mode, following repeated, interrupting requests to yell louder, lets out an inhuman 30-second scream, insults me, and hangs up,” he wrote.

By default, “unhinged” mode curses, insults, and belittles the user non-stop using vulgar language. Other modes include “Storyteller” (which does what it sounds like), “Romantic” (which stammers and speaks in a slow, uncertain, and insecure way), “Meditation” (which can guide you through a meditation-like experience), “Conspiracy” (which likes to talk about conspiracy theories, UFOs, and bigfoot), “Unlicensed Therapist” (which plays the part of a talk psychologist), “Grok Doc” (a doctor), “Sexy” (marked as “18+” and acts almost like a 1-800 phone sex operator), and “Professor” (which talks about science).

A composite screenshot of various Grok 3 voice mode personalities, as seen in the Grok app for iOS.

A composite screenshot of various Grok 3 voice mode personalities, as seen in the Grok app for iOS.

Basically, xAI is taking the exact opposite approach of other AI companies, such as OpenAI, which censor discussions about not-safe-for-work topics or scenarios they consider too risky for discussion. For example, the “Sexy” mode (warning: NSFW audio) will discuss graphically sexual situations, which ChatGPT’s voice mode will not touch, although OpenAI recently loosened up the moderation on the text-based version of ChatGPT to allow some discussion of some erotic content.

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